To Proto Mas Fili
Tradução automática
To Proto Mas Fili
enas ouranos san agalia
ene Ouran San Agali
enas hlios pou xamogela
ene hlios pou xamogela
pira ap'thn thalassa, to xrwma pou foras
Pira ap'thn Thalassa, o POU xrwma Foras
kai evapsa galazia thn palia mou monaksia
quando evapsa Galazia mou thn chuva monaksia
sou lew
sou lew
hrthes kai mou allakses gia panta thn zwh
hrthes o panta mou gia thn allakses ZPE
xanome sto prwto mas fili
xanome sto prwto ing Filipinas
mes'ta mati sou, teliwnei apopse h logikh
mes'ta Mati show, teliwnei apopse h logikh
ki'ola arxizoun pali ap'thn arxh
ki'ola arxizoun Pali ap'thn arxh
kai st'orkizomai mwro mou, den fovamai twra pia
quando st'orkizomai mwro mou, den fovamai twra pia
pernw fora kai voutaw, stis kardias mou ta vathia
Fóruns onde pernw voutaw, por último, para a espada mou Vathi
sou t'orkizomai psixi mou, kathe mera pou tha'rthei
t'orkizomai psixi sou mou, Kathe mera pou tha'rthei
tha'xei pantote thn geush, ap'to prwto mas fili
tha'xei calças thn geush, ap'to prwto ing Filipinas
ap'to prwto mas fili
ap'to prwto ing Filipinas
ap'to prwto mas fili
ap'to prwto ing Filipinas
afisa sto 'xthes thn sinefia
Xthes Bill sto 'thn sinefia
ki'oti mou matwni thn kardia
ki'oti matwni mou thn cardio
kleidwsa tis nuxtes tis ateliwtis siopis
kleidwsa esperar nuxtes esperar siopis ateliwtis
kai anoiksa thn porta aggele mou gia na'rtheis
quando anoiksa thn porta aggele mou gia na'rtheis
sou lew
sou lew
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