The Art Teacher
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The Art Teacher
O Professor De Artes
There I was in uniform
Lá estava eu de uniforme
Looking at the art teacher
Olhando para o professor de artes
I was just a girl then;
Eu era apenas uma garota então
Never have I loved since then
E nunca tinha amado até aquele momento
He was not that much older than I was
Ele não era tão mais velho que eu
He had taken our class to the Metropolitan Museum
Ele tinha levado a nossa classe ao Museu Metropolitan
He asked us what our favorite work of art was,
Ele perguntou quais eram nossas obras de arte preferidas
But never could I tell it was him
Mas nunca pude lhe dizer que era ele mesmo
Oh, I wish I could tell him --
Ah, eu queria ter dito a ele
Oh, I wish I could have told him
Ah, eu queria ter contando para ele
I looked at the Rubens and Rembrandts
Olhei os Reubens e Rembrandts
I liked the John Singer Sargents
Gostei de John Singer Sargents
He told me he liked Turner
Ele me disse que gostava de Turner
Never have I turned since then
E eu nunca havia olhado até então
No, never have I turned to any other man
Não, eu nunca havia olhado para nenhum outro homem
All this having been said,
Tendo tudo isso dito,
I married an executive company head
Casei-me com um alto executivo
All this having been done, a Turner - I own one
Tendo tudo isso feito, um Turner ? eu possuo um
Here I am in this uniformish, pant-suit sort of thing,
Aqui estou unifomizada nesta espécie de terninho
Thinking of the art teacher
Pensando no professor de artes
I was just a girl then;
Eu era apenas uma garota então
Never have I loved since then
E nunca havia amado até aquele momento
No, never have I loved any other man
Não, eu nunca havia amado nenhum outro homem
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